The Significance of the Western Myth in modern America


Erschienen am 16.09.2013, Auflage: 1/2013
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ISBN/EAN: 9783656497042
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 17 S., 1.34 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Seminar paper from the year 2010 in the subject American Studies - Culture and Applied Geography, grade: 2,0, University of Paderborn (Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik), course: Pro-Seminar 'The American Frontier', language: English, abstract: In this term paper Im going to answer the question if the Western Myth and the idea of anAmerican Frontier are still current topics in modern day America.The glorified myth of a frontier moving faster and faster into the unknown is deeply rooted inthe heads of the American people, since the first settlers moved westwards, over hundred-fiftyyears ago.It had an enormous impact on Americas history and on its national identity. But can this ideaof a frontier still be found today, or is it just a historically important, but today mostlyunappealing episode in recent history books?Furthermore, I will try to find an answer where hints and connections to the myth of the OldWest - with its cowboys, lonesome riders and sheriffs - can be found in modern Americanculture. Are those images of the wild, deserted West still topical and influential, and if so,where. In which parts of life and culture can they be found, or are the Old West and theWestern Myth just outdated?Im going to carry out my researches about this topic with the help of the books TheAmerican frontier Go West, young man by Prof. Dr. Michael Porsche,The frontier in American History by Frederick Jackson Turner, The Wild West: Myth andHistory by Alexander Emmerich and several internet sources to illustrate and prove mytheses.At the end of this term paper I hope to be able to point out, in which parts of everyday life inmodern America references to the myth of the Wild West and the American Frontier can befound and which significance they have.

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